Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On the topic of social outreach.

I think it's great that's we're going to expand our little Shakespeare bubble! I was actually really interested in this guy Bill Barclay and his idea of musiclarity. Yes, Professor Burton stumbled upon him in class, but I think it's just dumb luck that it's a topic that I'm interested in!

O how Fortuna smiles upon the time-, travel-, and trial-weary learner of the ancient playwright! I will in all my humility, although still owning a sonorous voice like an angel of mirth, praise and honor thy fortuitous gifts of promise!

...Well... We can't all be Armado.

Anyways, this is really encouraging to me, the fact that there are many people out there that share my interests! I've been struggling with finding a direction and consistently blogging, so this change in the scope of the class should prove beneficial to both my learning and my blog.


  1. wow that's fantastic that you've already found somebody that you could connect with in your search. I say go for and maybe even start connecting now because you already know!

  2. I'm trying to make connecntions with some one in London about Shakespeare. The reason is I'm appoint for a study abroad there. Any ideas you all have would be great.

  3. I feel like a lot of the kids in our class were excited about this and I would be too... if it weren't on the internet... I'm really computer illiterate and so I appreciate the fact that this class is forcing us to become literate in at least one facet of the internet, but putting myself out there to try to find and connect with someone on here when I can barely figure out and use Facebook? Haha it kind of intimidates me... I had a really good idea for something I cold possibly do (if it works with my play) but learning how to do it could present a problem for me. But that's stupendous that you know what you would like to do and are actually excited about it, you're making me kind of excited about it too!

  4. Kara, I BARELY know what I want to do! And don't worry, it's just as nerve-wracking for me as well. Technology is super frustrating sometimes (the internet in my apartment goes out all the time) but there is always someone who can help you learn the things you need to do. If you need help, you could ask me or something and I'll see what I can do. :) Be excited!
